COLORE TEST For COLORKEY X ELLE Barbie Series Lip Glaze Gift Box💋💗

 COLORKEY's lip gloss gift box has always been a hot item, and this time is no exception.

The entire gift box of COLORKEY X ELLE Barbie lip gloss has 6 colors, 3 pieces of mirror lip gloss, and 3 pieces of velvet matte lip gloss.
Each one is very beautiful, and you can just apply it directly, without any worries at all.
Not much nonsense, just test the color directly.
Just look at the picture.

Regardless of the velvet matte or mirror lip glaze, the moisturizing degree is very good, and there is no need for lip blam or lip oil as a primer.
The durability is very good, and after the film is applied, the gloss is more pretty.

It is a great choice for lip gloss lover.💕

Highly Recommended!😊


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